Nov 14, 2012

From these buttons

When you choose the design of the stitch, what kind of reason does it have?
A favorite design. A season. Size......

From these buttons, an image appeared, and I intended to stitch  this design.

Buttons of glass made in Czech

Experience Leland's Needlebook
Blackbird Designs[A Stitcher's Journey]

And the sampler of December of Prairie Schooler is completed soon.
I want to write it here next week. 
It finally concludes

What does this look like?

This seemed to be made in the image of a back figure of [Le Penseur]
It is totally different from that when I look near.

It is the park which a local confectionery company established here. The beautiful building removed and rebuilt an old building in Croatia.

there is one of my favorite parks .

Thank you for visiting my small blog.
Have a happy day.


  1. The buttons are so pretty, they look like old fashioned sweets!!!

  2. Very nice looking buttons and your stitching looks lovely. What a neat looking huge rock and from the back it does indeed look like the back of a person. Great pictures!

  3. I lovee the buttons so much..cute xx

  4. Beautiful buttons and thanks for sharing the photographs
